You got this because you've got us!
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We bring our expertise, industry insights and unique approach to all the apparel, fashion, and footwear projects we embark on. Our clients range from start-ups, medium-size companies to industry leaders—spanning across continents and brands.



With so much choice in the apparel and the fashion industry today, it may seem like a daunting task for any business to flourish and be profitable; however fashion lines are being born every year and apparel designs keep on flying off the shelves. It is simply a matter of creating a strong business plan backed by research and innovative techniques that will guarantee your hard work pays off. It is not simply a matter of having an idea and throwing it in the wind hoping it takes flight, in today’s fashion world, it is about having the proper team behind you that can deliver results that you seek in your business.


What we do

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These two items are different but if they do not work together, it can spell disaster even for the strongest of fashion businesses. It is VERY important for your marketing and your branding to be as in sync as possible as the branding of your company and product will determine the most effective marketing strategy that you can use.

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Our fashion and apparel pricing approach is developed from the extensive knowledge our agents and partners have in the business along with application of repeatable business solutions through our research. We guide our clients in pricing, forecasting, promotion, and markdown decisions to make a product's life cycle as profitable as possible.

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Sometimes it is not about what you do not know that will extremely hurt your business growth but rather having too much without putting it in the proper context. Ntare Consulting offers a program that is part of our overall business management service including accounting, financial investment, human capital and more.




Apparel Branding and Marketing

We believe that branding and marketing are very related and their co-existence or collaboration in a business can be very fruitful. By creating a strong visual appeal and doing the initial ground work to understand what you want your perception to be in the market, you will be able to create a lasting impression and make your base audience into repeat clients that will in turn recruit new members for you. At Ntare Consulting, we employ four steps in this process that will ensure the success of your branding and marketing plan in the fashion and apparel business.

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Brand Design and Identity

Unlike other products, fashion and apparel need a unique touch when dealing with branding and the marketing of the product; more than not, these fashion decisions are made by an emotionally charged decision making process by the final consumer. People want to wear what makes them feel good and will continue to seek the cross section of affordability and style. It is important for your company to choose a path that it will take that will align with the market choice and agenda you wish to achieve.


Brand Strategy

Most companies skip this very important step where just as unique as you are; you need to find what makes your logo and complete aesthetic different from everybody else in your market. We work to make sure that you are instantly recognized from your competitors. From the colors and design of your logo, your tagline, mission and vision statements and to how it all fits together; we can be the partner that you need


Market Research and Direction

We take the time to understand what your company and business is about and then formulate a marketing plan that will get us through the necessary steps to make you either a household name or a staple in the niche market; in what ever direction you are headed, we can help you get there. Our research and then strategy work to make sure that your story is told in an effective yet efficient and costly manner. We will present a plan that will be formulated and tailored to your business, for your success.


Marketing and Advertising

After creating and testing out different strategies, we believe in coming together and addressing how your message will be pushed out to the world; we can create websites, manage social media, leverage influencer marketing with the goal of putting your brand in the eyes of the audience that you wish to attract. This stage is fairly simple to understand but only effective if you have managed the prior steps before getting to this point.